EFC Presents: Annual Holiday Mixer

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Just Networking & Fellowship

This Week

During the COVID-19 pandemic getting together was a challenge. This week, we completely eradicate all of the barriers and are having our annual networking mixer for Christian entrepreneurs and business professionals.

The format of this week’s class is simply to show up and enjoy the refreshments while networking with fellow Christian entrepreneurs.

Mrs. Lasota is a married mother of two who has lived in San Diego since 1980. She became a member of Skyline Wesleyan Church back in 1991 while Dr. John C. Maxwell was still head pastor. Employed as a radiology technician since 1979, she is a mammographer by trade, but also provides caregiving services in addition to being self-employed in different vocations. As a serial entrepreneur, she also owns an online travel website, www.Avicat-Travel.com or www.Avicat.com.

3 Ways to Engage

Join us live in person in room M-1 located upstairs above the Skyline Café.

Watch remotely on Zoom. Meeting ID: 864 4478 0945 & Passcode: 972674

Watch our entire video archive on demand via YouTube.

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