The Focus
As time goes by, circumstances can change and you may want to end business relationships that started off well. Marriage can be one such instance of a business partnership that starts off well, but takes an unexpected turn for the worse. This course is designed to teach you the basics of how such a partnership is dissolved in California. Our resident expert, Craig Candelore, Esq. will be presiding.
The Format
The format of this course will consist of an approximately 30 minute lecture by Mr. Candelore followed by a Q&A session lasting about 20 minutes. Although we model the new EFC format after collegiate courses, we respectfully ask all in attendance to refrain from asking questions during the lecture portion so as to give Mr. Candelore ample time to get through his material.
Keep the Conversation Going
Refreshments will be available for purchase downstairs at the Skyline Cafe before and after class. We ask that you exercise good stewardship and help us keep the facility in good order by cleaning up after yourself. Once class is officially over for the day, we encourage ongoing information exchange and networking while maintaining appropriate social distancing. If you have any questions that did not get answered in class, please email them to us and we’ll either incorporate the responses into a future session or email you back directly.